Welcome Hi, 👋 I'm

Nizar Ardansyah

Software developer

About me

I'm Nizar

I am a recent graduate in Computer Engineering with a keen interest in software experience. I have gained valuable experience as a software developer and project manager at a startup incubated by Bangkit in 2023

My Projects

This is a list of my projects that I have worked on.

My Works

Agustus 2023 - Februari 2024

Android Developer at TaniLand

In August 2023, I was entrusted with the responsibility of developing an Android application for TaniLand. The application serves farmers by enabling them to monitor IoT devices controlling pests, display land conditions, and provide real-time images of pests.

    Stack Used

  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Tailwind CSS

Mei 2022 - Desember 2022

Freelance Frontend Web Developer

I am responsible for translating UI design from Figma into a website interface using HTML, CSS, Javascript, and React Js, along with the NextJs framework. I ensure that the website effectively displays server data responsively across various platforms, including desktop, tablet, and mobile devices

    Stack Used

  • React JS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • NextJS
  • SplideJS

How to reach me